The easier feasibility solution
Whatever your feasibility needs, we are here to simplify the process and ensure that your team can focus on the the actionable results.
Our Story
Since 2006 we've struggled with study site feasibility. It hasn't been easy for sponsors or sites. The cost, time and quality have always left us desiring more. What would happen if study site feasibility was cheaper, quicker and a whole lot better... you'd have Feasybility. Feasybility is a new approach to study site feasibility with a focus on human- centered design or as they tend to say "How you ask is everything". Our ambition is to create a system that allows your clinical teams to increase productivity. We allow sponsors to begin collecting feasibility results in as little as 24 hours.
"I got a chance to pilot the feasybility tool and have an online survey ready to go in under 2 hours. It will make it easier for sites to complete online and then the results are sent to us. Feasibility should be easy, it should be straightforward and fun to do. This tool will definitely help expedite the data collection process."
Marissa Volpe
VP Clin Ops
"The survey questionnaires were appropriate, clear and concise. The process was user friendly from a technical standpoint."
Rokhsana Mortuza, PhD
Clinical Research Coordinator